Online Security Safeguards Necessary for Businesses
- Automate of Backup of Files
- Consider a Virtual Server
- Create a Disaster Preparedness Plan
- Run a Full Set of Security Features
- Determine Appropriate Access and Usage
Businesses collect a lot of data, and there are specific safeguards that they should put in place in order to protect their online information. At least once every week, there is a data breach or malicious act against a well-known company. Businesses should take these five specific actions in order to safeguard their online data.
Automate of Backup of Files
Automatic updates of the business data are essential. If a business server falls victim to a malicious act, the data will be protected on a backup device. It is also a good idea to consider a third-party or off-site backup of the business’s data. For example, a cloud-based backup of the business data could be a wise choice. Even if the server went down, your site would not. The business’s information would be preserved.
Consider a Virtual Server
Setting up a virtual server system allows a business to have your data separate in case of an attack. With a virtual server, one physical server can have virtual machines set up in it. A virtual server could run Linux even if the server is a Windows machine or a Mac. The physical server can operate multiple virtual servers, and each of those servers is able to perform a different function. If one virtual server is attacked, it will not affect the others or the physical server.
Create a Disaster Preparedness Plan
Businesses need to have a disaster preparedness plan for their data, explains the United States Small Business Administration. This plan should include actions to take in case of a natural or man-made disaster. In the event of a natural disaster, power may be lost. A business could be flooded or physically inaccessible. The company’s online data still needs to be protected. The business should have a disaster plan in place in order to handle a full spectrum of potential problems. The plan should take into account potential staffing shortfalls in the case of a disaster. For example, an epidemic of influenza could render a majority of staff members too ill to work. Workers could be affected by the same natural or man-made disaster as the physical business. The plan should include an ability for workers to have remote access to online data.
Run a Full Set of Security Features
Every business should be running a full set of security features. One of the most important parts is a firewall. The firewall’s primary duty is to block incoming attacks. A firewall could put a stop to malware, viruses and other intrusions. Having a firewall set up will block most threats and intruders before they can get to a company’s online data. Content filters, spam filters, and anti-virus software are also key security features for a business.
Determine Appropriate Access and Usage
It is also important for a business to consider who should have access to their online data. Each business should have policies in place for setting up appropriate levels of access and tracking who does what with the information. A company also needs to have appropriate disciplinary measures in place for any violations of employee access to online data. Customer information, confidential or proprietary data, and employee records are all things that should have controlled access measures.
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